Meet 3 of the VPD's newest and cutest recruits (VIDEOS)

Jun 26 2019, 10:26 pm

The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) has introduced its newest wave of recruits to the public.

They’re siblings… they’re adorable… and they really like to horse around.

Oh, and they’re on four legs.

Jarvis, Jedi, and Josiah, currently dubbed by the VPD as the “J-Team,” are the newest members of the VPD Mounted Unit.

After being introduced to some of the VPD’s officers, videos were uploaded of the team horsing around on social media.

Jarvis, Jedi, and Josiah, are all three-years-old and they’re all thoroughbred Percheron crosses.

They were received from a facility in the Southern United States that raises and trains horses to be police units.

They don’t have formal police names yet but Sgt. Susan Sharp says names will be given once more is learned about their personality and behaviour.

And looking at these videos, how can you not be a fan of them?

See also