Rare look inside abandoned McBarge floating restaurant (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 10:14 pm

A remnant of Expo 86, the Friendship 500, better known as the McBarge, was the world’s second floating operational McDonalds restaurant. Abandoned since 1991, the graffiti-tagged and water-worn empty vessel now hangs in Burrard Inlet, awaiting a continually-uncertain fate.

Not many people get to board the McBarge, and since it is privately owned, getting onboard without permission would be trespassing, which means glimpses inside the floating Golden Arches are rare.

Enter Vancouver’s Worst Ghost Hunters, a group of comedians with a camera and a plan to board the McBarge (on a technicality), and not only investigate if it is haunted as rumoured, but also to eat a McDonalds cheeseburger on the boat. (Obviously it’s BYO to accomplish the latter, since the McBarge grills haven’t been fired up since Expo.)

For viewers wanting to jump right to interior footage of the McBarge, head right to the 3:10 mark. Also, a caution: The video contains language that is NSFW, and some of the graffiti inside the boat contains racial slurs.

[youtube id=”TfgTD53EHRw”]

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