#VanKiss mistletoe heats up the streets in Vancouver (PHOTOS)

Dec 26 2016, 1:52 pm

Over the past month, hundreds of amorous couples in Vancouver have taken their photo under the #VanKiss mistletoes hung on ordinary lamp posts and some very creative locations.

The holiday decorations inviting passersby to share a smooch, take a photo, and share on social media with the hashtag #VanKiss has been an annual tradition for several years.

Dozens of sign posts were put up at various locations in and around downtown Vancouver in late-November and early-December.

Check out these photos of couples, young and old, and furry companions under the mistletoe:

😊一年了……………🙂️摄影师都换了 某人的衣服换啊不换的 #vankiss #gastown

A photo posted by ʚ◡̈⃝ɞKatycat mix Damnfan (@charlotte_1729) on

Mistletoe ❤️ #vankiss #kiss #love #mistletoe #gastown #vancouver

A photo posted by Steph Burlton (@stephburlton) on

Me: Guys, kiss. Parents: ….❤ Me: Ok, we get it. Stop! #VanKiss

A photo posted by Pablo Vargas (@mrmilex) on

Mistletoe moment ! #vankiss #vancouver #xmas #canada

A photo posted by kh99eh (@kh99eh) on

Hey I found a guy under mistletoe #vankiss

A photo posted by William Lynn (@williamglynn) on

Merry KISSmas😙 #vankiss #vancity #AG #averagegypsy #djduo #djlove #housemusic #wobblehouse #ghouse @portmanteaustereo @lazyonecanada

A photo posted by Average Gypsy (@averagegypsy) on

Under the #mistletoe with my sweetie. #VanKiss #christmas #vancouver

A photo posted by Nick Cairns (@niccai) on

My soul mate and I doing a mistletoe kiss #vankiss

A photo posted by Rio and Louee (@rioloueehounds) on

#vankiss #vankissonChridtmasDay #merrychristmas

A photo posted by YaMaHa (@yayatong) on

Adventure to find the #mistletoe worked out. #VanKiss #Robson

A photo posted by Rory Court (@rorycourt) on

Does our cuteness make you sick yet? #VanKiss

A photo posted by Sarah (@sarah.ann.louise) on

A #VanKiss for #VanChristmas 🌬

A photo posted by Gia Rassier (@palegreenstar4) on

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