Sometimes someone commits a crime right in our own backyard that’s so ridiculous, they deserve an award for having a lack of brain cells.
Seriously, we’re all scratching our heads over this one.
A driver left his keys in the ignition of his van on September 21 at around 6 a.m. as he was making a quick delivery in downtown Vancouver at Homer and Robson Streets when – lo and behold – someone saw an opportunity and allegedly stole the van.
Shocking, we know.
The delivery man chased the stolen van down the street, but, somehow, the thief managed to get away. Minutes later, the van was reported by the driver as stolen.
But wait, it gets better.
According to the Vancouver Police Department, the man who stole the van drove it past the VPD station on Cambie on his way to get coffee. He parked the van at the end of the block and entered a coffee shop, all while the police were watching him.
The police then sauntered over to the coffee shop and, after a brief struggle, arrested 55-year-old Brian Ross Phillips. He’s charged with theft of a motor vehicle and taking a motor vehicle without permission.
The VPD believe that drugs and mental health issues were not factors in Phillips’ decision to take the van. The police returned it to the delivery driver with his cargo intact.
All we can say is: wow.