The truth about Pit Bulls

Dec 19 2017, 11:49 am


I am a huge dog lover and having worked in the canine industry for about 7 years now, I have had the chance to work with all breeds of dogs. A common topic that always arises, whether it be by clients, friends or local dog park acquaintances, is the topic of the Bull breed, more specifically, the Pit bull. Unfortunately for this loyal, beautiful dog, it has been unfairly judged, and categorized as a viscous breed, not to be trusted.
In reality, this is untrue. Throughout my work in the industry, I have worked with many pit bulls, I have also been bitten a few times (not badly, usually breaking up an ‘argument’)…..but never by one of the bull breeds, in fact, it was by a Lab, a Great Dane, a Mini Schnauzer and a German Sheppard. In all these 7 years, I am yet to even be growled at by a Bully breed.
On Sunday, April 26th join RAPS (Richmond Animal Protection Society) as they host an evening to educate you, Vancouver, on the great qualities of the Bull breed and dispel all those myths about the amazing breed that is the Pit bull.
I urge all Bully fans, Vancouverites but most importantly those who have a fear or concern about the breed, to attend the info evening. Discover for yourself how loyal, loving and obedient the Bull breeds can be.

The info session will be held at 1pm – 3 pm at the Richmond Animal Shelter.
For more info go to