The Thuggie Life

Dec 19 2017, 12:33 pm

I know what you Vancouverites are thinking, what the hell is a Thuggie? Well worry no more, I’m going to tell you all about the wonderful world of Thuggies. Besides, pants are so overrated.

The Thuggie was created by Bryan Pudney in 2009 when he and some of his friends noticed a preponderance of overly long t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets worn in a wholly non ironic way. In fact, these Whistlerites seemed to think they were in some way hardcore. Not one to sit by idly and let people take themselves too seriously, Bryan sewed by hand, the first 4 as yet unnamed Thuggies. Bryan and three of his pals wore them on one particularly fine spring mountain day and lo and behold, they were besieged by requests for them. Quickly they realized that there was an opportunity to capitalize on the long trend, ironically worn or not.

Enter Bryan’s friend Kim, an individual wholly opposed to pants and totally in support of comfort. She immediately became obsessed with them when Bryan and 3 other bethugged friends strolled onto the lawn bowling fields for the first annual Vancouver Leisure Society Lawn Bowling tournament for their friend Eva Markvoort in 2009. Quickly a funny idea became a full blown obsession. Bryan introduced Brad to Kim, and suddenly there was creative genius, PR and marketing mastery and a keen, uncanny business sense. The trifecta was perfect. Kim named the long, bright hoodies the “thuggie” in a friendly jab at people thinking they were tough by wearing things comically long and at the popular campy backwards bathrobe making waves in infomercials.

Thuggies have been making waves at such places as: social sports leagues, lawn bowling, cabin parties, hung over weekends, wake-boarding (they double as on boat changing rooms and after boarding warm ups) after work relaxation gear, sports warm up and cool down gear, dance parties, ski hills, fireworks parties and family dinners. There really isn’t anywhere that wearing a Thuggie is a bad idea.

Sales info and sizes and colours are available at or you can follow them on Twitter – @theThuggie or join their Facebook page. Coming soon will be the thuglet, made for babies and small children and a dream come true for every parent who’s ever wrestled a squealing child into pants. Pants are optional, as they always should be.

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