This past week the Vancity buzz staff attended a short meeting at the office. I won’t bore you with the details, just know that the Urban Dweller and Maverick will likely be carrying this blog in the near term. With school back in session, the Don is juggling his numerous parental responsibilities and will post at least once a week from now on. As for Skeets, well he is on the grind “hustlin”, yet to make a dollar I might add. So expect crappy posts till his “hustle” picks up. Finally, the Schwab is still in line at the unemployment office and will most likely remain so until the start of the NHL season. Egregious.
Debates are now scheduled between Gregor Robertson and Peter Ladner. They will be held at the Vancouver Public Library at Robson and Homer on October 1st and 29th. I’ll have more on this closer to the debates.
Well the list of fuck ups from the BC Libs has first time made me contemplate how BC would be under NDP rule. Make no mistake the NDP suck, but they might get elected. Then what? Will that asshat of a leader they got over at the NDP lead us to more prosperous times? Shit the years under the Liberals have been great, recent mistakes aside. Do we really want to be a “have not” province again? It seems as though BC Liberals ultimate downfall will be their arrogance and ignorance.
On a side note but still on the political tip,the DNC and Republican Party down south have wrapped up their conventions. So let me get this straight, an Alaskan governor is McCain’s pick for VP. Fucktarded, no? I bet you some women will vote for McCain just because the VP is a woman and the folks in the south won’t vote for Obama because he’s err…you can fill in the blank. Now this being a Vancouver centric blog I thought long and hard about mentioning this however, the stupidity of politics needed to be highlighted. Check out the videoof what esteemed reporter/blogger Diddy thinks about McCain’s VP choice. Funny shit indeed. I think I know where Skeets gets his vocabulary from.
Finally, thanks to all the readers including Phaedra, Raul, Star, Raj and the many anonymous individuals for your comments to my posts. Your supporting or opposing views are always welcomed and sometimes even insightful. Although sometimes my posts are meaningless or a bit crude, I assure you that I will never, ever post something on the same scale of stupidity as fellow contributor Money J Skeets.
No offense Skeets but some of your shit is down right whack.
(photo courtesy of Variety)