Skip the Lineups Buy Official Vancouver 2010 Gear On-Line

Dec 19 2017, 12:10 pm

As many of you already know the lineups at The Bay downtown for official Olympic merchandise are insane at the best of times. Once you get in be prepared to fend for yourself as young and old start droppin’ bows on you to get the last of an item in a particular size. So how can you get the Olympic gear and avoid the chaotic lineups, you ask? Well a local e-commerce company called Elastic Path who won the bid for making the VANOC merchandise area of their site has made shopping for you hassle free.
Here are the benefits:

* it is convenient so you don’t have to deal with those crazy crowds – have you been to The Bay recently? I have and it is out of control, lol
* you get access to over 7000 items online, like cowbells and jerseys from all over the world
* FREE shipping overnight around Vancouver

Here is the site:

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