Protesters Smash Bay Windows

Dec 19 2017, 12:08 pm

Some 50 to 200 idiots (as reported by CTV), thought it would be fun to break some windows at The Bay downtown. Up to this point I respected their right to free speech, I respected their right to a peaceful protest, however, this is, this is taking it too far! There are millions who want to enjoy these games and a few thousand somehow believe they represent the majority of the citizens of Vancouver and want to wreak havoc. Riot Police is on the scene as I write this dealing with black clad hooligans.
At this point I really don’t give a crap if the police come in and bust some heads and lock them up. These morons who thought we didn’t care about them and their causes before, will now I and many other don’t give a flying f**k about their causes or so called causes they seem to ‘care’ about. News Flash, the games did NOT cost $6 billion!! The games take place on the same ‘stolen’ native land that your ass lives in! Their are millions of People who actually want to ENJOY the Olympics. Get that through your thick, brainwashed skulls and enjoy life for once.

I’ll stop my rant there as I absolutely pissed right now and will say things I’ll later regret. I could go on a tirade and try to reason with you jack-offs but lets face it, you’re way to narrow minded and have been brainwashed by the ORN and APC and dare I say the poverty pimps to realize you are doing more harm then good! I hope you like the gentrification of ‘your’ neighbourhood!

Here is why your message gets lost with society:

Some protesters sprayed vinegar in officers’ eyes, threw sticks, and spit on officers, police said.
Two officers were injured with flying objects and one was sent to hospital with a shoulder injury but was treated and released, said Const. Lindsey Houghton.
The 125 officers assembled in two rows, along with six police officials on horseback and managed to hold back the crowd, estimated at 1,500.
No protesters were injured. [source: CBC]

Time to grow up and get a life.