Police warn of social media game challenging kids to disappear for 72 hours

Dec 19 2017, 11:06 pm

A social media safety expert says a new and frightening game for teenagers could be a good opportunity for parents.

It’s called the Game of 72, a challenge to vanish for 72 hours. The greater the hysteria your disappearance causes the bigger you win.

Jesse Miller with Mediated Reality says parents should use stories like this to start a conversation with their children.

“Open up dialogue about where a story originated from,” said Miller. “Ask the questions about whether or not their children have heard about it and whether or not their friends are talking about it on the internet.”

Miller says a there have been a handful of cases in the UK linked to this game, where teens have gone missing only to show up unharmed days later.

Vancouver Constable Brian Montague says this so-called game is not just dangerous, but potentially criminal.

“When you force the police into an investigation you potentially could be charged criminally,” said Montague. “That’s always a possibility. We hope that it wouldn’t get to that.”

Montague is also cautioning any teens considering doing this that if they go missing investigators will pry into every aspect of their personal life, and details could be made very public.

Originally posted on CKNW.com


Twitter chatter on #GameOf72