Spend your Halloween with the most performance minded spirits, spectres, and ghouls in Vancouver at the Parade of Lost Souls.
Hosted by the Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret, the Parade of the Lost Souls is one of the most anticipated events of the Halloween season. Featuring jugglers, actors, singers, musicians, acrobats, and more, the Parade serves as an inclusive celebration of the arts for thousands of spectators each year.
In keeping with the tradition of the event, the exact location of this year’s parade will remain a secret until midnight on October 30. Festivities will continue after the parade at the Lost Sols After-party at The Hall, 1739 Venables Street, running from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Ticket purchase for the after party, and donations for the parade itself, can be made online.
Parade of Lost Souls
When: Saturday, October 31; 7 to 10 p.m.
Where: TBA
Price: Free
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