North Vancouver amateur photographer takes perfect photo of newlyweds

Dec 19 2017, 11:28 pm

Saber Miresmailli was in a moving car in London when he was passing by the newly-wedded couple.

Passing by quickly, he managed to snap the shot that would later go viral on Facebook.

When Miresmailli got back from his holiday in the U.K., he noticed the lucky shot and decided to attempt at finding the couple.

“A request to the Facebook Nation,” he wrote in a post. “I managed to shoot this picture with them and the London Bridge in the back ground. I have the high quality picture and I love to find them and give it to them as a gift. Do you think you can share this and help me find them?”

The original post now has over 250,000 shares. Miresmailli hopes that he can get in touch with the couple to gift them a high quality copy of the image.


Miresmailli posted that he has found the couple, Laura and James, who are currently on their honeymoon.

“I wish you guys many many years of happy and prosperous life. Will send you the picture when you come back. Now if you all allow me, I have to go back to work! Thank you Facebook Nation. You are amazing,” Miresmailli wrote in his most recent Facebook post.
