Naked Boxer Briefs Anyone?

Dec 19 2017, 12:37 pm

If you’ve been having trouble getting dates and scoring with the ladies, it’s because of your underwear. Underwear is the foundation of your appearance and if you are garbed in well garbage, it has a funny little way of seeping out to the surface and affecting one’s confidence. Not sure if your underwear makes the cut? Well if they are ill-fitting, cotton and have labels with fruits on them, they are the equivalent to a woman’s granny panties.

Luckily, NAKED Boxer Briefs is the new line of underwear that is here to save your dating life. Made with Italian microfibers and distilled water they are finest in men’s underwear keeping butt cheeks tight and securing goods with a seamless design that makes you feel like you’re wearing nothing at all. Also, there are no chemicals in the fabric which helps eliminate odors, which is always helpful right? Comparable to a women’s most powerful weapon in their arsenal of undergarments – the push up bra – they are sure to make you feel luxurious, and confident and sexy.

They come in three styles, in black and white with a price point of $38. White sold exclusively at Holt Renfrew until spring 2011. The company is 100% Canadian owned and managed, including spokesperson Bruce Turner of Style by Jury. Happy dating everyone!

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