For the first time since his nephew was killed, MLA Harry Bains is speaking publicly about his family’s pain.
Arun Bains died over the weekend, in what’s considered the first fatality of Surrey’s ongoing turf war.
Police say the 22-year-old was associated with people connected to the drug trade.
But speaking to CKNW’s Simi Sara today in an exclusive interview, Harry Bains says the family saw absolutely no sign of that.
“His dad told me yesterday, only about a month ago he was running home with a broken cell phone, and they felt so bad about it, and he said ‘No, I’m okay,’ but they said ‘Let’s go and buy you a new phone,’ so they bought him a new phone.”
The Surrey-Newton MLA tells young people who may be involved in gangs or drugs to go home, that their parents love them.
“It’s Canada, and look at all of us. We made it, they can make it. I came here as an immigrant, 18 years old, hardly knew much English, didn’t have any money. Look at the position and the honour the people have given me. You can do all of that here.”
Bains says this is not the time for political slogans, but real solutions — in schools and in the community — to fight gang- and drug-related violence.