Man steals burger from McDonald's, attacks employees

Dec 20 2017, 2:23 am

What would you do for a burger from a McDonald’s restaurant? On Thursday, October 29, a man was arrested for stealing a burger and attacking employees at the fast food chain’s location on Rutherford Road.

According to CTV News, the incident began when the thief allegedly entered the restaurant to steal a burger. He then walked out but later returned to the restaurant and began screaming at workers.

As he was being escorted out of the building, he assaulted a 25-year-old female employee and then tried to climb into the drive-thru window.

An 18-year-old male employee who tried to push the man out incurred minor injuries when the man slashed his arms and hands. The teenager was taken to hospital after the thief fled the scene.

The man was arrested at another location by police and faces charges of assault, assault with a weapon, and theft under $5,000.

Vancity Buzz reached out Nanaimo RCMP, but they were not immediately available to comment on the incident.