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Running & Fascial Maneuvers Workshop with Human Garage & Graham Tuttle - "The Barefoot Sprinter"

Running & Fascial Maneuvers Workshop with Human Garage & Graham Tuttle - "The Barefoot Sprinter"
Nov 5
6111 River Rd,, Richmond BC V7C 0A2
Starting at $20

Date & Time

Sat, Nov 5, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Two Workshops:

Fascial Maneuvers Workshop: 10am to 11am

Running Workshop w/ Graham Tuttle: 11am to 3pm

Fascial Maneuvers Workshop: Feel Better in Your Body!

(with Garry Lineham (Human Garage) and Graham Tuttle (The Barefoot Sprinter) & other Human Garage coaches and practitioners)

If you’re in pain or want to feel better in your body join the Human Garage for an advanced fascial maneuvers class.

Work hands-on with coaches and practitioners who will be hands-on to help you.

Learn about fascia and how it works in your body.

Get your questions answered:

  • Chronic pain
  • Autoimmune issues
  • Anxiety / depression
  • ADHD
  • Women’s Hormones
  • Bloating / Gas / Digestive
  • Weight loss
  • Neck / Head/ Hip / Back / Knee / Foot Issues

Learn how the Human Garage fascial maneuvers can help you regulate and calm your nervous system and get it in a state of healing.  This is a family event – bring partners and children! Connect with our community and get your questions answered!

Running Workshop: with Graham Tuttle (The Barefoot Sprinter)

If you’re in pain after a simple jog, something isn’t working right…

The problem is that even though running is something we naturally pick up as kids, we tend to lose that ability as our body gets stiff, tight, and bound down over time.

  • Sitting in desks at school and work…
  • Wearing tight and restrictive shoes for years…
  • Plus, all the injuries that crop up from sports and life…

Eventually, things just don’t work like they used to. What’s worse is that most people never really learned how to run or move well when they decided to get back into shape.

All that means that we don’t get to experience the fun, free, and fluid movement that running was meant to be.

Instead of gliding over the ground, we’re grinding down our gears.

  • Foot, toe, and plantar fascia pain…
  • Shin splints and constantly tight calves…
  • Stiff knees, hamstring pulls, and hip flexor strains…

But if it’s been years since you didn’t hurt when you ran, walked, hiked, or played sports, let alone felt good doing it… Can you really fix it? This may sound too good to be true, but you can absolutely learn to run freely again.

  • Even if you’ve had chronic injuries for years.
  • Even if you’ve never learned how to run before.
  • Even if you’re closer to retirement age than your glory days.

You can become a natural runner.

Nov 5
6111 River Rd,, Richmond BC V7C 0A2
Starting at $20