Coming Out: "I have known since you were 4 years old"

Jul 26 2016, 6:16 am

Earlier this month, we invited Daily Hive Vancouver readers who identify as LGBT to submit their own ‘coming out’ stories as a way of empowering and inspiring others who may be struggling with their own sexuality.

The first of our reader-submitted coming out stories during Vancouver Pride Week 2016 details Kayla’s recent experience of coming out to her mother.


Age: 19
Administrative Assistant at telecom company

Hey guys, my name is Kayla, I am 19 and I work as an administrative assistant in the head office of a phone company. I have known that I liked girls since I was five years old. I’ve dressed like a boy from the very first moment I could dress myself. I grew up with my parents being split up and I never really had a strong relationship with my dad.

It was January 28, 2015 and I was 17 at the time. I was in a long distance relationship with a girl that I thought I loved. I decided it was the right time to come out to my mom. So I sent her a text message because I was too scared to come to her in person. So I waited until she replied to my text message before I came out of my room.

Luckily for me, I had support from my friends. I ended up talking to my mom about it and she said: “I have known since you were 4. I’m not surprised, I was just waiting for you to come out.”

Fast forward a few months to the middle of May when I got a follow request on Instagram from a very beautiful girl.  It was on May 22, 2015 that I first started talk to this beautiful girl named Kaitlin. Keep in mind that I was still dating another girl.

At this point, I have been talking to Kaitlin for almost a month and I decided it would be best for me if I broke up with the girl I was dating. I wasn’t being treated and spoken to the way I thought I should have been. Kaitlin stuck with me through my break up and she started to become my best friend.

Fast forward again to September 16 2015. I realized that I wanted Kaitlin to be more than just my best friend, I wanted her to be my girlfriend. So I asked her via FaceTime because she lives in Seattle, Washington. Thankfully, she said yes.

Here we are now July 2016 and I am still happily in love with Kaitlin. So if I were to give you a piece of advice about coming out to your parents, friends or other family members it would be: Stay true to yourself. Don’t let what other people think about you affect you. Don’t rush into coming out, do it when your ready.

Not all people will accept you but don’t let them stop you. Be proud of who you are. Don’t change for anybody.



How are you celebrating Vancouver Pride Week? Learn how you can share your coming out story with Daily Hive Vancouver by clicking here.