Searches for breaking the ice and growing friendships have spiked in the last year, study finds

Aug 3 2022, 8:55 pm

With the warmest months of the year finally here, it’s officially the time to get outside and enjoy the rays with friends.

As a company that was built on friendship 100 years ago — a group of berry farmers who changed the fruit packing game by creating a berry wine in 1922 — Growers understands this urge to get deeper with our friendships and bask in all the amazing things that come from them.

And after the past two years of lockdowns, restrictions, and scooting as far away as possible from anyone who dared to sneeze, it’s no wonder Pinterest Predicts identified ‘Relation-tips’ as a trend for 2022, and according to new Pinterest Trends Data, Canadians have been looking to deepen, grow, and expand their friendships lately — how cute?

So, with all this interest in growing our relationships, we curated a list of tips and tricks for deepening your connections with the help of local cider makers, Growers, a brand committed to building local connections and staying “ripe for chillin’ all summer long.”

1. Learn some easy ways to break the ice


Based on Pinterest Canada data comparing searches in July 2022 to July 2021, Canadians are looking to widen their network, with searches for “icebreaker activities” almost trebling and searches for “questions to get to know someone” increasing by 37%.

With making new friends, it can be scary to just walk up to someone or send a message out of the blue. Just remember to be confident in who you are as a person and a friend, count down from three, and say hello and ask them to hang out sometime. It’s way less scary than you think.

With existing friends that you’re looking to get closer with, don’t be scared to get deep and vulnerable. Your friends are likely craving it too, and it will only bring you closer.

2. Expand your inner circle with people you already know

Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock

Do you have any friends you’ve lost touch with over the years? Maybe people you really liked in your high school or university years, but never ran in the same circles? Any work colleagues, acquaintances, or friend-of-friends you got a good vibe from, but never had a chance to get to know deeper?

Don’t be afraid to connect with them via social media to spark up a conversation out of the blue and try to find similarities you share. You never know if there could be a deeper friendship there built on similar interests and hobbies.

3. Put yourself out there and try something new

Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Sometimes, you just need to take action and get outside of your comfort zone. Explore a new hobby, join a club, or intramural sports team and shake up your routine and surroundings. Engaging in organized activities can help take some of the pressure off in making new friends by giving you a common interest to start with. Go alone, or bring an existing friend to the experience.

4. Practice being more spontaneous

Sky Antonio/Shutterstock

Got a bucket list that needs more checking off post-COVID? Don’t we all. Invite a friend to help you tick off some must-dos, whether it’s as crazy as sky diving or something simple like seeing an artist you love, practice saying yes when you’re invited out to new activities. Doing something out of the ordinary and scary is proven to help bring those doing the activity closer together — so, why not dive into something different?

5. Find unique ways to celebrate life milestones, big and small

Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Did someone you know recently get a promotion, start a new job, or buy a new puppy? You don’t always have to wait for birthdays and holidays to get together.

Take advantage of social media, and when you see that something cool happen in someone’s life, say congratulations and find a casual and fun way to celebrate it together — cause why not?

Grower’s is celebrating its 100-year anniversary of making refreshingly chill ciders alongside good friends with a new limited-edition Growers Century Dry Cider made to let the authentic flavour of the apple shine.

Growers Cider is made locally using 100% local fruit, and after 100 years, the brand is vamping up its product line, too, because they’re not scared to try something new, and neither should you.

To learn more about Grower’s ciders, visit

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