Thunder? No. Crazy wind storm? No. Surprise fireworks show? Yes!
“Vancouver fireworks” was trending on Twitter last night as hundreds of social media users took to the internet to find out who was responsible for the surprise display.
The answer? No it wasn’t the grand opening of Trump Tower, but instead a special show put on for convention-goers.
You see, from time to time, private events at the Vancouver Convention Centre have fireworks displays, and when they do, Vancouverites go crazy for them.
A 7-min fireworks display organized by a conference at #VanConventions will be between 8:45-9:00 tonight @PortVancouver @CityofVancouver
— Vancouver Convention (@VanConventions) February 28, 2017
Monday night fireworks Vancouver!
— Dr Aniz Khalfan (@AnizKhalfan) February 28, 2017
Epic fireworks happening in crabbe park #Vancouver
— RichieNewRich (@RichieNewRich) February 28, 2017
Fireworks in Vancouver 🇨🇦
— Amedeo Tarnauceanu (@AmedeoTarnaucea) February 28, 2017
Ok #yvr what's up with the fireworks tonight? #vancouver
— JayCat☆ (@JayTweet) February 28, 2017
#Vancouver #fireworks in the Harbour?! Anyone know what it's for? 😀
— Dave Wray (@weatherwhiz) February 28, 2017