Donald Trump officially launches 2020 presidential campaign

Jun 19 2019, 5:52 am

US President Donald Trump officially kicked off his 2020 campaign run on Tuesday evening in Florida.

Yesterday, Trump tweeted that “thousands of people” were already lined up in Orlando ahead of the “big rally.”

“Large screens and food trucks will be there for those that can’t into the 25,000 capacity arena. It will be a very exciting evening! Make America Great Again!”

“We’re going to keep on fighting for every man and children all across this land,” said Trump at the rally, promising to “keep America great.”

“I stand before you to officially launch my campaign for my second term as president of the United States,” he said.

With the next US election slated for November 3, 2020, what could another four years of Trump mean for Canada?

While the future is uncertain, the relationship between the US and Canada during Trump’s current time in office has been testy.

Here’s a look back at Trump’s relationship with Canada since his inauguration in 2017.


In August 2018, Canada and the US were unable to reach an agreement on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 

During the same month, Trump ad announced that the US and Mexico reached a preliminary deal as part of the NAFTA overhaul. 

Leaving Canada out, Trump said that it would no longer be called NAFTA but rather the “US-Mexico Trade Agreement.”

During NAFTA talks, Trump had said Canada and Mexico were being “difficult”  in during the renegotiation process. 

Trade and Tariffs

During NAFTA negotiations, the US imposed a 25% tariff on Canadian steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum.

Trump said that he’d be imposing these tariffs until a fair NAFTA deal was signed.

He also made a point to call out the Canadian dairy industry.

“We’re also going to stand up for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin…and that demands, really, immediately fair trade with all of our trading partners, and that includes Canada.”

“Because in Canada, some very unfair things have happened to our dairy farmers and others… What’s happened to you is very, very unfair. It’s another typical one-sided deal against the United States. And it’s not going to be happening for long,” he said during a speech in 2017. 

During a 2018 White House event, Trump said that Canada doesn’t treat the US right when it comes to farming.

“We lose a lot of money with Canada. Canada does not treat us right in terms of the farming and the crossing the borders,” said Trump in February 2018.


In September 2018, Canada and US came to an agreement just before the final NAFTA deadline.

The trade impasse was overcome after both parties made some concessions, with Canada agreeing to grant US farmers greater access to its dairy market and limit its automotive exports to the US.

In exchange, US negotiator agreed to retain Chapter 19, the dispute resolution mechanism of NAFTA, and exemptions for Canadian creative industries.

The deal was renamed the US-Mexico-Canada deal or USMCA.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially signed the USMCA deal on November 30, 2018. 

More US dairy, more problems

USMCA would give US farmers access to an additional 3.9% of the Canadian dairy market, according to the Dairy Farmers of Canada.
This prompted some Canadian dairy consumers to take a stand against the deal and pledge their support for local products.

Trump removes steel and aluminum tariffs

In May 2019, the US announced that the 25% tariff on Canadian steel and the 10% tariff on aluminum would be removed.

A joint statement from the two countries said the new deal came after “extensive discussions” on trade in steel and aluminum covered by the action taken pursuant to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.

The statement said the countries have agreed to eliminate all tariffs the United States imposed under Section 232 on imports of aluminum and steel products from Canada, and all tariffs Canada imposed in retaliation for the Section 232 action taken by the United States.

‘Worst trade deal ever made’

Trump also brought up “replacing the NAFTA disaster with the brand new USMCA” at his rally on Tuesday.

“USMCA  –that’s Mexico and Canada — will create at least 75,000 new jobs for American auto workers and farmers,” he said.

“It replaces one of the worst trade deals ever made –NAFTA.”

See also