Best workday ever: Colleagues at family business win huge lottery jackpot

May 23 2024, 12:00 pm

A group of colleagues who work at a Quebec family business had a huge reason to celebrate after winning the $1 million lottery jackpot.

The winning employees work at Ogden Granite, a family-run business in Stanstead that specializes in granite monuments.

The six members of the Bronson family and their four co-workers have been playing the lottery together for three years.

Gordon Bronson took the group’s ticket to be validated on May 11 and thought the group had won $100,000 at first.

But the store’s attendant quickly explained that the 10 members of the group were taking home $100,000 each because they were the winners of the $1 million jackpot.



Bronson left the store and immediately told his family and co-workers about the win.

His daughter, Tamara Bronson, admitted that she initially thought her dad was joking.

“He showed me the validation slip that showed the amount, but I thought it was a joke. I didn’t think he was serious!” she said in a release.

Gordon asked his daughter to gather the group to reveal the good news, and she noted that “everyone was speechless.”

The winners said they are waiting to receive their cheques before deciding what to do with their winnings.