Finally, a business degree that's socially and environmentally conscious

Aug 16 2017, 6:26 am

Summer’s coming to an end and the lecture halls are calling.

But like most people, including Vancouver’s social media influencer Stephanie Yu, you’re working full-time. You don’t want to give up your day job but you’re yearning to complete that management degree you’ve always wanted.

You want to move to the next stage of your career and become a better business manager by studying for a degree that’s aligned with your values of social and environmental responsibility. And that’s exactly why Instagrammer Yu chose CityU Canada.

Earlier this year, the university launched a two-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Management (BAM) degree with a special emphasis on socially and environmentally responsible management. The BAM enables students with a two-year diploma or two years of undergraduate courses to finish theirs degrees.

Vancouver and Canada are leaders of sustainability and now CityU Canada’s BAM course is accommodating this industry’s need for growth.

Classes start in October and you can find out more information about the BAM degree at one of the information sessions taking place at CityU Canada’s campus on West Pender Street on September 6 and 13.

To provide you with insight regarding this game-changing course, we’ve compiled a list of five features you can only experience by studying the BAM degree at CityU Canada.

Classes work with your schedule

CityU Canada understands that students have other things going on in their lives such as working full-time, having families, along with other commitments. That’s why they offer classes on weekday evenings, so you can go along after work and study a course that suits your schedule. You also have access to a lot of online support to help you, too.

BAM/CityU Canada

Apply with your previous coursework

Submitting your application for this program is quite different from other universities because all you need to have is a two year diploma or two years of undergraduate courses from any recognized university– in any field – a rare and exciting opportunity.

Instagrammer Yu started CityU Canada’s BAM course with one year of a degree course behind her. “I never completed my BCom at Sauder, as I decided after a year that it wasn’t necessarily the right fit for me at that point in my life,” social media influencer Stephanie Yu told Daily Hive.

 Social and environmental responsibility

The BAM degree course at CityU Canada aligns with your social and environmental values so if that’s something you’re passionate about then you’ll really love this program. Building healthy communities and caring for the environment are at the core of teachings throughout the BAM curriculum. CityU Canada believes that knowing what to do on Monday morning is not something to learn after graduation – it’s something to learn now. That’s why your course instructors are people who are leading change in the work that they do, in addition to writing, thinking, and presenting about change.

“I learnt about what virtue ethics means today in our modern world of not just business but our lives as human beings. And with the conversation about ethics, of course we had to touch on “truth” and what that means to us in our own lives. Every class we would meditate for 10 minutes and it became our homework to develop our mindfulness practices outside of the classroom. The emphasis was definitely beneficial as it allowed me to connect my own passions and interests with the material taught in class, something that I wasn’t always able to do when I was at Sauder,” Yu added.

Transferable skills

You won’t just graduate from CityU Canada’s BAM degree as a manager. Of course, you’ll learn the fundamentals and basic skills that you need to succeed as a manager in your field. But you’ll also graduate knowing the importance of teamwork when it comes to being a member and a leader. Additionally, you’ll learn how to develop research skills, improve your oral and communication skills, as well as learning about the vital techniques required in project management that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Instagrammer Yu found CityU Canada’s BAM degree extremely helpful for her career.

“Part of the course entailed honing your personal skills of either informing, listening or conflict resolution (the point being to choose what you were weakest at), and so I chose listening. I find it extremely difficult to listen to others while being present and not thinking about my reply or analyzing what they’re saying through my lens. So practicing listening to others without speaking, interrupting, or having to reply was difficult but so rewarding.

“That skill alone has definitely helped with my business meetings, and just my personal relationships as well. This course has also taught me in knowing who to work with and who to say no to. My job is basically working with other companies to promote their products or services through my social media channels, and Tom has definitely helped refine my decision making process,” she said.

Learn from academics who work outside of their teaching roles

Nobody wants to go into a class after a long day at work to learn from someone who preaches purely textbook-learned knowledge. You won’t experience this at CityU Canada because classes are delivered with a personable and practitioner-based model. The academics help you learn skills in an innovative new way to keep up with the evolving demands of the business industry. This means you’ll be two steps ahead when you enter the workforce after graduation.

Yu strongly encourages students to apply for CityU Canada’s BAM course as it offers something you can’t find at other universities.

“It was like no other course I’d ever taken, such a holistic course that really focusses on helping us, the students, not just excel in business, but how to be a fulfilled, responsible, ethical human being in society. Tom was such a personable, endearing and humble professor that was actively participating in the exercises we did, and put his input in during our discussions as well rather than just standing back and listening, which I found so refreshing.
“His teaching style was generally more of the vein which pushed us to question and come to our own conclusions, rather than giving us answers to accept and memorize. He encouraged us to think for ourselves and to experience things first hand which corroborate our own opinions. He also has incredible knowledge and experience in eastern philosophies as well as industry experience, which makes his lectures both engaging and thought provoking in a way that differs from our standard western views on business and ethics,” Yu concluded.

Your connection to CityU Canada doesn’t have to end at graduation because the university offers tons of career resources for students to help them get into their dream jobs.

If you think you’d like to study this exciting new course at CityU Canada’s campus in the heart of downtown Vancouver, there’s still time to enrol as classes aren’t starting back until October.

You can find out more online or at one of CityU Canada’s BAM information sessions next month. And who knows, you could be on your way to becoming the next big social media influencer.

CityU Canada BA in management information session

When: September 6 and 13
Time: 5 to 6 pm
Where: City University Canada –  789 West Pender Street #310
Price: Free
Contact: (604) 689-2489

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