Live #LikeACaptain and you can win big

Dec 19 2017, 8:12 pm

Captain Morgan wants to know how you live #LikeACaptain. From now until October 31, enter to win up to $10,000 by simply taking a photo, video or tweeting.

[youtube id=”L1pJCXhiV_g”]

What are they looking for?

Living #LikeACaptain means doing things in an original way, and capturing it in a photo, a video or a great sentence. It means keeping your phone handy when your crew gets together.


There are three grand prizes to be given away as well as a boatload of cash to be won from now until October 31.

  • Video Grand Prize: $10,000
  • Photo Grand Prize: $2,000
  • Twitter Grand Prize: $1,000

There’s also a bunch of $500 prizes to be won. For full details, visit

Must be legal drinking age to enter. Contest closes October 31, 2014.

In case you’re looking for some ideas, watch these videos:

[youtube id=”dVPqGNCMNBA”]

[youtube id=”byfF5BTf5tY”]


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