Episode 12 of The Confab Diary, presented by Daily Hive, features Barinder Rasode, a two-time former City Councillor for the City of Surrey and current CEO of NICHE Canada.
An independent, non-profit organization built on the foundation of providing education on cannabis production and use in Canada, NICHE brings together academic research, government law makers, industry partners, and public safety and public health partners to create a collaborative and fact-based approach to cannabis legalization in Canada.
Rasode is also a co-founder of SheTalks, a series of conferences and events to inspire and connect women.
Not throwing in the towel just yet
In 2014, Rasode broke away from Surrey First and created the One Surrey team. After a fight for mayor, she lost to Linda Hepner and the Surrey First slate.
When questioned about her future in politics, Rasode doesn’t rule out a possibility of another mayoral run. She also weighs in on Surrey and gives a score on Mayor Hepner’s first term in office.
#MeToo: The power struggle
In this episode, Rasode also took time to comment on the challenges women in our community face, and on the #MeToo movement.
“Women have always been silenced in the workplace and in society due to a power struggle,” she says.
Social media has played a pivotal role in giving women the platform to make their voices heard and bring light to their accusers, she says.
Listen to this week’s episode
Eddie from the Bowling Alley
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