N driver with 'No Airbags' sticker clocked doing 160 km/h in 90 km/h zone

Sep 13 2017, 10:24 pm

Well, at least we have an idea of this driver’s possible end game.

Early Wednesday morning, a bumper sticker on the back of an 18-year-old’s impounded vehicle caught the attention of West Vancouver Police.

The bumper sticker simply reads (in all caps): “No Airbags. We die like real men.”

Of course, being “real men” these guys are likely already aware that ladies love unsafe cars driven in a reckless manner, but it’s unknown at this point if the driver was trying to be funny, ironic, or really didn’t have airbags and was weirdly proud of that fact.

But for now, all we know is that in the case of this 18-year-old driver with an N license, the vehicle is off the road for an impound period of seven days.

Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

Former Senior Staff Writer at Daily Hive.

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