24hrs free daily will get a fresh new look

Dec 19 2017, 2:17 pm

On Monday September 17th, 2012, readers and advertisers of the popular 24 hours dailies will discover a brand new newspaper, with a new layout, new logo and new sections.

The new 24 hours will sport more colour and more graphics, while continuing to bring you daily coverage of news, entertainment, sports, classifieds, brainteasers — They will be adding sections on education, careers, finance, homes, automotive and lifestyle. The format has been entirely redesigned, taking into account the needs of their readers.

“We have created an even more inventive, sharp, entertaining, colourful and lively environment,” said Lucie Leduc, Vice President, 24 hours.

Along with the launch of the NEW 24hrs, each market will have the opportunity to participate in a great contest. In Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa the readers will have a chance to tell them what you love most about the new 24hrs for a chance to WIN 1 of 5 all-inclusive sunny destination getaways in the 24hrs your getaway contest.

24hrs’ your getaway contest runs from September 17 to October 14, 2012 at 11:59 PM. Total approximate value of all prizes: $24,000. Readers can enter the 24hrs your getaway contest at www.24hrscontest.ca

Felix Kay,
Follow Felix on Twitter: @TheFelixKay