100-year-old Vancouver map getting archived online

Dec 19 2017, 11:28 pm

Vancouver was a very different city 100 years ago, and now you can see how it was laid out in detail.

The Goads Atlas of the City of Vancouver and Surrounding Municipalities is now available online at VanMap, the city’s geographic database, according to The Vancouver Sun.

The map colour-codes buildings based on how flammable they are: yellow for wooden buildings, and pink for brick or stone buildings.

“The beautiful thing about the fire insurance maps is that if the use of the structure has anything to do with fire risk, they will write on the map what was there,” said city archivist Heather Gordon, according to The Vancouver Sun.

The map shows streetcar lines and even the old shoreline of False Creek, which extends all the way to Clark Drive.

You can access the Goads Map here, expanding “Aerial Imagery” and clicking “1912 Goads Fire Insurance Map.”

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