Toronto ranked one of the best cities in the world in 2021

Oct 29 2020, 2:51 pm

Toronto has been ranked among the top 20 best cities in the world, according to Resonance Consultancy’s World Best Cities Report of 2021.

The ranking is released annually, and this year, Toronto placed 13th – its highest finish ever, just after Chicago, and just before San Francisco, and is the top Canadian city on the list.

Resonance Consultancy ranks the world’s cities with populations of one million or more, based on categories ranging from the physical place, to prosperity and people. The categories that they take into consideration are; place, product prosperity, programming and promotion.

Toronto’s key areas of impression included economic growth, immigration and global investment. With almost half of the city’s population being foreign-born, Toronto’s spot in the Top 20 is driven fiercely by its diversity and Education Attainment rankings. These are the two main components of Resonance Consultancy’s, “people” category of which Toronto ranks third, just behind Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Earlier this summer, Toronto was named the fastest growing metropolitan area in all of North America. Ryerson University’s Centre for Urban Research and Land Development revealed that Toronto beat Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas for the top spot.

Additionally, the University of Toronto has projected that in less than 50 years, the city will trail only New York City and Mexico City in North American population. The combination of the city’s openness and economy has resulted in unprecedented density.

“Winning the first NBA title outside of the United States in history doesn’t hurt either,” reads the report.

Besides Toronto, Vancouver made this year’s list at #34, Montreal is at 41, with Calgary following in 47, and Ottawa at 67. Edmonton is also in the top 100 at number 76.

These are Resonance Consultancy’s World Best Cities 2021 Top 20:

1. London, England
2. New York City, United States
3. Paris, France
4. Moscow, Russia
5. Tokyo, Japan
6. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
7. Singapore, Singapore
8. Barcelona, Spain
9. Los Angeles, United States
10. Madrid, Spain
11. Rome, Italy
12. Chicago, United States
13. Toronto, Canada
14. San Francisco, United States
15. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
16. St. Petersburg, Russia
17. Amsterdam, Netherlands
18. Berlin, Germany
19. Prague, Czech Republic
20. Washington D.C., United States