Toronto fried chicken restaurant gave employees a paid mental health day

Apr 13 2021, 5:56 pm

There’s no doubt the pandemic has put a financial strain on Toronto’s restaurant industry, but it has also taken a major toll on mental health.

If there’s one way to help, that’s by taking a mental health day, something the team behind Tokyo Hot Fried Chicken decided would be best for them.

On April 11, the popular establishment shared a post on Instagram announcing they would be closed for the day “because mental health comes first” after a year without some time off.

“Mental health needs more sunlight and less stigma,” read the post.

“Getting through the pandemic so far has been a long and hard road for us as a team. Since the pandemic has started (hard to believe over a year ago) we haven’t taken a break since. After talking with the team this morning, we have decided that we will be closed today in order for the entire Tokyo Hot Fried Chicken team to take a mental health day and get some much deserved rest after a long difficult weekend with many challenges.”

Not only was it a much-needed day off, but it was also paid, as confirmed in an email to Daily Hive from a representative of the establishment.

Several businesses in the food industry, like Tokyo Hot Fried Chicken, are also making strides in order to help their employees at this time.

Grocers such as Longo’s and Sobeys have announced wage increases and pay bonuses for its frontline staff during the shutdown.

“This latest Stay-at-Home order will hit everyone a little harder, but we know our Team Members will continue to rise to the challenge as essential workers during this pandemic,” said Anthony Longo, CEO of Longo’s.

With Ontario’s lockdown set to expire four weeks from April 8, a little break can definitely make an impact and boost morale.

“We would like to thank you all for your support in our choice of a mental health day,” read the IG post.

“We are so lucky to be a part of such an amazing understanding community and city. Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement, support and love.”

Karen DoradeaKaren Doradea

Karen is a Staff Writer at Daily Hive Toronto

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