Seattle has a new COVID-19 standby list to use up extra available doses

Mar 8 2021, 7:25 pm

The Seattle Fire Department Mobile Vaccination Teams host daily COVID-19 vaccination sessions for some of Seattle’s most vulnerable community members.

At the end of each day, two or three vaccine doses are leftover and must be used immediately.

To ensure that no doses go to waste, the City is creating a COVID-19 standby list for community members who are 65 and older and live in zip codes disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

Those who sign up to be placed on the standby list will be sent a text message around 4:30 pm each day. If you’re able to make it to the mobile vaccination site within 30 minutes, open the link within the text message and click yes.

If the standby appointment is still available, you will need to meet the mobile vaccination team as soon as possible. A second dose will be scheduled upon arrival.

Those aged 65 and older who are interested in adding themselves to the standby list can do so online.