Another puppy adoption party is happening in Montreal this October

Sep 29 2017, 10:46 pm

There is nothing like a cute, cuddly puppy and you can now adopt your very own at Le Doggy Cafe on October 14.

Le Doggy Cafe is hosting adoption agency Animatch.

The cafe has hosted these puppy adoption events in the past and it’s a perfect way for potential dog owners to find out how they can adopt.

Volunteers will be on site provide information about adopting and how you can take one of these cuties home to be your furry best friend.

It’s a puppy adoption party!

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If you’re not looking to adopt you can still come down to hang out with some very adorable puppies. It’s a win-win!

Journée Adoption Canine

Where: Le Doggy Café, 4701 St Denis

When: Saturday, October 14

Time11:30 am to 2:30 pm

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