Survey says over 80% of Canadians have not left the country in two years

Mar 15 2022, 2:33 pm

COVID-19 seems to have diminished the travel desires of Canadians. According to a new national survey from Hello Safe, more than 80% of Canadians have not left the country since March 2020.

Of the 726 participants asked, “have you travelled out of the country since the beginning of the pandemic?” 81.3% said they had not.

Hello Safe says that this hesitancy to travel since the start of the pandemic is probably “due to the fear of still having to face health restrictions once at the destination.”

As for future travel plans, nearly 41% of participants said they do not plan to travel whatsoever this year. Meanwhile, 12.6% said they would only travel within Canada in 2022. On the other hand, 30.9% of participants plan to visit another continent.

The insurance company also published data for Canadian travellers’ most popular international destinations. Mexico, Italy and the United States rounded out the top three, respectively.