Opinion: How do I stop the world from spinning when I'm using cannabis?

Mar 13 2018, 2:58 am

Written for Daily Hive by Christopher, a budtender and content manager at Air Reserve Collection.

Many cannabis smokers get something called “the spins,” technically known as motion sickness.

Novice partakers in the herb are usually prone to getting some sort of motion sickness when smoking too much cannabis in one sitting. Don’t worry; there are quite a few ways to alleviate the symptoms and we will discuss these options below.

Motion sickness can get worse if you do not relax, and will lead to vomiting if you are not careful. (And no one wants that.) Common causes of motion sickness are: smoking on an empty stomach, feelings of stress and paranoia, and a low tolerance for chronic cannabis strains.

Mixing alcohol and smoking weed is a no-no and can really give you a horrible case of the “greenies.” Alcohol and weed do not mix well, so pursue that combo at your own risk.

Eating a hearty meal beforehand is a great way to make sure your world stands still after smoking, but as with most things in life, practice makes perfect.

Building up a tolerance for cannabis is your best bet, and gradually your body will get used to the compounds in cannabis, reducing the frequency of your motion sickness episodes. Some people suggest smoking more cannabis to remove the symptoms of the “spinning world,” but I think this is a waste of time and money. Enjoy your cannabis and respect the plant.

Having a cup of relaxing warm tea such as chamomile, Marley’s mellow wood, or rooibos can also alleviate these symptoms of dizziness before and while smoking. Another possibility is taking motion sickness pills before smoking, but you shouldn’t make a habit of that.

The best advice would be to smoke in a relaxed environment and take a couple deep breaths before sparking up that joint. Only have one or two tokes of the joint and determine if you can handle more. Smoking cannabis through a vaporizer is also a great way to keep yourself on solid ground. Happy toking.

Christopher is a budtender and content manager at Air Reserve Collection, when he’s not doing research on latest strains and products for the store, he’s busy making cannabis chocolate covered strawberries and discovering new ways in incorporate cannabis into his morning smoothies.

Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Daily Hive. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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