Peloton wife's story continues in Ryan Reynolds' gin commercial

Dec 7 2019, 8:29 pm

The actor who plays a stationary bike-loving wife in a widely-shared Peloton advertisement appears in a new commercial for gin, and many people are having fun crafting storylines linking the two.

The Peloton ad depicts a husband gifting his wife the company’s stationary bike for Christmas. The wife vlogs her experience using it throughout the year, and presents the video montage to her husband as a thank-you the next Christmas.

Some who watched the video criticized it, and asked whether the subtext of the gift was the husband suggesting the wife work out more. From there, the fictional couple’s supposedly troubled relationship (in the context of a rude gift) became the butt of many online jokes.

BC actor Sean Hunter, who played the husband, has said the negative backlash has been discouraging. Daily Hive reached out to Hunter for comment, but has not heard back.

On Friday, Ryan Reynolds’ gin company, Aviation Gin, dropped a video featuring the Peloton actress, Monica Ruiz. In a subtle clap-back at the bike ad, the gin commercial is titled “The Gift that Doesn’t Give Back.”

In it, Ruiz drinks with two girlfriends. The subtext is that she’s just been through a breakup— and many online believe she’s left her husband from the Peloton commercial.

Several people have tweeted they approve of Reynolds furthering the joke.