The Tenors apologize for 'All Lives Matter' gaffe, place blame on "lone wolf"

Jul 13 2016, 9:35 am

Canadian quarter The Tenors caused quite a stir by changing the lyrics to O Canada to include ‘All Lives Matter’ at the MLB All-Star Game in San Diego on Tuesday night.

See also

During the anthem one member of Canadian quartet, Remigio Pereira, changed the lyrics from “with glowing hearts we see thee rise, the true north strong and free” to “we’re all brothers and sisters, all lives matter to the great” while holding up a sign that said “All Lives Matter”.

It appears the act was not one that the other three members of the group supported, as The Tenors have issued this apology/explanation on Twitter:

The Tenors are deeply sorry for the disrespectful and misguided lack of judgment by one member of the group acting as a ‘lone wolf’ today during the singing of the Canadian national anthem at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in San Diego.

The other members of the group are shocked and embarrassed by the actions of Remigio Pereira, who changed the lyrics of our treasured anthem and used this coveted platform to serve his own political views.

Our sincere apologies and regrets go out to everybody who witnessed this shameful act, to our fellow Canadians, to Major League Baseball, to our friends, families, fans and to all those affected.

As a rule, it’s never a good idea to change the lyrics to a national anthem. It’s an even worse idea to change the lyrics to something as controversial as ‘All Lives Matter’ and worse still when the other members of your group don’t support you.

Rob WilliamsRob Williams

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