Mayor Nenshi discusses fluoridation for Calgary's drinking water

Dec 19 2017, 11:09 am

As concerns arise over fluoridation for Calgary’s drinking water, Mayor Naheed Nenshi has taken some time to discuss the matter over lunch with media, according to Mayor Nenshi’s website.

After a recent study from the University of Calgary, concerns over tooth decay in Calgary’s children, due to the lack of fluoridation, have caused debate over its return.

“I wouldn’t make a decision based on that one study,” Mayor Nenshi said.

“I voted against taking [fluoride] out and was very much in favour of engaging more science on this and doing very big lit reviews,” Mayor Nenshi says, but the majority of council had wanted it taken out.

Nenshi notes that he has previously told dentists and others who are concerned about the lack of Fluoride in the drinking water, that if they want to get this on the ballot in 2017 there is a process to get a plebiscite.

“If you were to put a petition on the front counter of every dentist’s office in Calgary I suspect you would get your signatures pretty quickly,” Mayor Nenshi says in a YouTube video.

Citizens of Calgary always have the right to plebiscite, if they wish, Mayor Nenshi stressed. He also explains that he would vote for putting Fluoride back in the drinking water based on what he knows today, but would ultimately like to see a bigger lit study completed on the subject.

[youtube id=”_EvUiBAGaeQ”]

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