January will be the cheapest month to book flights in 2019

Jan 3 2019, 12:33 am

If us wanderlusters had a crystal ball, one of the main questions we would ask is when to book to get the cheapest deals on flights.

One of our favourite flight booking apps just might be that crystal ball.

Skyscanner has analyzed data from the previous year, and has found that the cheapest month to buy flights is (drumroll please)… January!

Which is perfect timing, because our seasonal depression disorder is just kicking in.

The data is based on flights from the United States, but if our neighbours across the border are any indication, this is a cue for us Canadian globetrotters to jump on that booking ASAP.

Here are Skyscanner’s findings based on flight bookings from 2016 and 2017:

  • On average, the best time to book flights for domestic trips is 2 – 3 weeks in advance
  • For international trips the best time to book a flight is two months in advance.
  • Book at 5:00 am for the highest potential flight savings. Avoid booking from 7 – 10 pm
  • Book on Sundays for domestic and international flights for the most savings

After January, the cheapest months to book flights look to be August and February. The average roundtrip prices are summarized in this graph.

when to book

Average flight ticket prices per month in 2018. (Skyscanner)

Now that you know when to book, the question is, where to go? Check out Daily Hive Mapped’s top travel picks for 2019, with 56 recommendations for every type of traveller (that includes you).

Happy globetrotting!