Hair stylist offers free haircuts to homeless

Dec 19 2017, 10:58 am

Hair stylist Misty Wind is a unique individual who just wants to help people in need, and do it in her own way – haircuts.

Her idea spawned after being discouraged at the Calgary Drop-In Centre for wanting to volunteer. Shortly after Wind started a gofundme page, Haircuts For The Homeless, to help raise money for a “Mobile Haircutting Studio” aimed at helping the homeless.

On her page she writes:

No one should be pre judged based on a file when wanting to do something positive for their community. A sort of redemption from past wrongs. The type of healing that only comes from truly wanting in your heart to give back.

And giving back to the community is what Wind has done while on duty in her Mobile Haircutting Studio, using her ten years of hair cutting experience for a worthy cause.

Currently on the gofundme page she has raised $3,306 with the help of over 50 people in the last 11 months.

If you would like to follow Misty Wind you can do so on her Misty Miracles Facebook page and/or Twitter page at @mistysmiracles.