Chefs across Canada mourn the passing of Anthony Bourdain

Jun 9 2018, 12:22 am

Social media is a sad place for Canada’s culinary community today as chefs and eaters alike grieve the sudden death of Anthony Bourdain.

Bourdain championed Canadian cuisine and its chefs and his influence can be felt through kitchens and at dining tables across the country.

See how Canadian chefs are paying tribute to Anthony Bourdain today.

🖤FTW,Uncle Tony .

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This picture was taken after a long day of talking sexism in the restaurant industry. It was just before Christmas, and Tony, so generously, agreed to fly to Toronto for the day so we could talk. There’s so much great footage—as I’m sure you know, he’s infinitely watchable. He was my champion, when almost no other high profile dudes would be. He, by example, forced them to pay attention, even if they really didn’t want to. I’ll always be grateful for that. It meant not just a lot, but everything. I’m in shock and devastated, I don’t have the right words (or even the wrong ones). I’m so glad to have known him. I’m so glad for his incredible body of work, what couldn’t he do?? And well! No not just well, better than anybody else. I’m so sorry for his family, and warrior girlfriend Asia Argento, his friends and colleagues. What a terrible loss. We will not recover easily.

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