Calgary Youth Employment Centre offering free online sessions

Sep 22 2020, 8:10 pm

The pandemic hasn’t exactly made it easy for Calgarians to find their dream jobs — let alone hold onto the ones they have.

However, Calgary’s Youth Employment Centre (YEC) is doing what it can to connect YYC’s younger generation — those ages 15 to 24 — with employers who actually are hiring, even during these tough times.

The YEC has begun offering free online employment services, which include virtual sessions that go over everything from resume writing to job searching strategies.

The centre is also offering drop-in sessions covering the same resources, though they will follow new public health guidelines put into place by YEC to keep staff and youth safe from contracting coronavirus.

Those hoping to sign up for online or in-person employment counseling can do so by heading over to the Youth Employment Centre’s website and choosing a date and time that works for them.

The YEC is also keeping an eye out for employment opportunities around the city, and has recently shared that hotels in Jasper are looking to fill hospitality roles.

Scheduling an appointment can also be done over the phone at 403-268-2490.

Keep in mind that spots are limited, however, so the sooner the better.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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