Alberta's spring forecast is out and it's looking a little chilly

Mar 1 2022, 10:31 pm

Spring is just around the corner, but Alberta may be in for a slow start to the season as warm weather moves in late this year.

The Weather Network has released its spring forecast, and it’s not looking like the greatest start for Alberta. According to the forecast, cold and snowy weather will be around for much of March.

Central and southern Alberta should expect near normal temperatures as spring progresses; however, areas north of Edmonton should expect temperatures to dip to the cool side of seasonal.

Near normal precipitation is expected across the province this spring. You know what they say: April showers bring May flowers.

Parts of southern Alberta run the risk of below-normal precipitation, with that area already receiving little snowfall this winter.

ontario spring forecast

Environment Canada

It could be worse. Quebec and Ontario are set to receive colder than normal weather for their spring this year, while BC is set to have a cooler start to spring as well.