Alberta now covers new vision loss treatments for all residents

Aug 18 2017, 12:40 am

In 2015, Alberta Health launched the Retina Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Program for Intraocular Disease (RAPID) pilot project in partnership with the Retinal Society of Alberta.

The program helps patients with certain eye conditions to be treated with drugs Avastin or Lucentis to prevent vision loss.

Now effective August 1, 2017, another drug, Eylea, was added to the RAPID program.

RAPID will cover the cost of all 3 drugs so patients don’t have to pay a thing. All Albertans, with valid Alberta Health Care coverage, will be eligible for the pilot project at no cost.

AHS says the RAPID program “will save seniors $25 per treatment, or $300 per year for most patients. The program also allows patients enrolled in the program to receive treatment directly from their doctors, which simplifies their access to care.”

For more information or treatment options, AHS says to contact your retina specialist about the pilot project.

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