Chillax: You can stay at a hotel made of ice in Quebec this winter (PHOTOS)

Nov 18 2022, 3:34 pm

Quebec City is about to become cool as ice.

The Hôtel de Glace offers guests a hotel made entirely out of snow and ice because nothing says “take that winter” quite like sleeping on top of it.

Located in the Valcartier area, 5 km north of Quebec City, the ice palace gets rebuilt every winter and offers visitors a “one-of-a-kind winter experience that is unique to North Americans.”

The Hôtel de Glace ranges from $399 to $849 a night, depending on the size of your ice room, and if you opt for in-room saunas and hot tubs.

The famous ice hotel is currently accepting reservations for the 2023 season, which begins on January 4.

Hôtel de Glace is the only ice hotel of its kind on the continent. It has a three-month lifespan, is made of 30,000 tons of snow and ice, and its walls are four feet thick. It’s essentially an igloo on steroids.

All of the lodge’s furniture is made of ice and the bar serves drinks and cocktails to your room in — you guessed it — ice glasses.

The hotel has 42 rooms, a beautiful Great Hall, sculptures, a chapel, an ice slide, and exhibitions.

To keep things extra cool, the hotel also makes its own snow. Just in case the Quebec winters aren’t harsh enough.

Ice-dwelling hopefuls can visit the hotel’s website to book a stay from January until March.

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+ Winter