Calgarian wins Halloween by finishing the Bridgeland sign with his costume (PHOTO)

Nov 1 2022, 10:00 pm

There are a lot of great Calgary-inspired costume ideas you can come up with, but one Calgarian may have taken the cake.

Someone dressed up as the missing “D” in the Bridgeland sign and has officially won Halloween as far as we’re concerned.

Calgary Costume

Calgary Roast and Toast/Facebook

If you have driven towards downtown on Memorial Drive in the past several months you have either noticed the “D” was missing or you thought it was really strange that there was a community called “Bridgelan” in Calgary.

Either way, one extremely clever Calgarian solved the problem with his costume Monday evening, much to the delight of social media.

The sign was damaged all the way back in April when a car crashed into it in an alleged hit-and-run.

So, while that may not be the best place to stand long-term, it is a hilarious fix for the problem.

And many have tried before to fix the problem, but those were smaller in scale as well as in literal size.


There have been several smaller “D” fixes placed there over the past six months.

And instead of going against this, the community itself has actually embraced the hilarious attempts at fixing the problem.

Calgary costume

The Bridges/Bridgeland community newsletter

The improvised sign completion is featured in the November edition of The Bridges, the newsletter sent out by the Bridgeland/Riverside community association each month.

They also tweeted about the costume Monday night as it was making its way around social media.

And for their part, the community association has said they are working on a more permanent fix than a dude standing there in a costume all day.

Peter KleinPeter Klein

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+ Halloween