Solar eclipse in Niagara Falls kind of a bust due to overcast weather

Apr 8 2024, 11:30 pm

The masses heading to Niagara Falls, Ontario, on Monday afternoon to witness the rare total eclipse underwent a hectic rollercoaster of emotions as overcast skies threatened to ruin the anxiously awaited event.

Though the gloomyĀ forecasts proved correct and clouds dampened the day from the get go, viewers in the tourist destination who were preparing for utter disappointment found themselves surprisingly blessed with a pretty decent view of the key moments of the show around 3:20 pm.

Many celebrated the clearing of the skies at the last minute for the peak of the celestial phenomenon, sharing snapshots of the corona on socials to prove that conditions weren’t as bad as naysayers said.

Onlookers cited “quite a lot of cloudiness” but said that Mother Nature co-operated just enough for them to see a few good glimpses of various stages.

“Obviously you’d want a clear sky, but we were glad for the little peeks we got!,” one person in the area wrote on X.

But, among these more positive takes was a fair bit of negativity as well.

Those who took the day off work and spent a lot of time and money to trek to Niagara and rent a ridiculously-priced hotel room for the occasion were understandably a little upset that the experience wasn’t up to par, with one sharing a video of their very grey view writing “I want a refund.”

And then there are those who are taking to socials to mock anyone who made such extensive (and expensive) plans just to be let down, especially given the forecasts leading up to April 8.

There were also a few conflicting accounts, with some who live in the Niagara region saying that they don’t believe the shots of the eclipse shared online could have actually been taken there given the cloud cover they witnessed.

A few who also claimed to be in Niagara at the time shared their dismay at the unaccommodating weather, saying it prevented them from seeing the sun at all, though they tried to make the best of it.

“We didn’t see the eclipse, too cloudy, but we did see the cloudy sky go very dark in the direction of Niagara on the path of totality. That was kinda cool,” one personĀ added on X.

Niagara, which was expecting record-breaking crowds of around a million people for the eventĀ today, declared a state of emergency and shut down some of its streetsĀ in anticipation.

GO Trains headed from Toronto to the more southernĀ city were jammed from early in the morning ā€” as, unlike TO, Niagara was in the eclipse’s path of totality ā€” but early photoĀ and videos showed a less-bonkers turnout than some may have thought.

But, clips closer to the peak time of around 3:20 pm indeed showed mobs of people eventually arriving to pack in front of the Niagara River to catch the eclipse.

Becky RobertsonBecky Robertson

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