What cannabis edibles probably will (and won't) be coming to Canada

Oct 17 2019, 5:16 pm

If you’re one to indulge in cannabis, or maybe a newbie with a curiosity for elevated snack foods, then chances are you’re interested in seeing what offerings could hit the market now that edible cannabis is legal in the Great White North.

Regulations on edible cannabis are extremely strict and will not allow more 10 mg of THC per packaged product — unregulated versions offer substantially higher options. No added vitamins or minerals can be allowed, as well as no nicotine or added alcohol. A limit is being placed on caffeine.

They are also not allowed to have any dietary claims. Cannabis edibles cannot be produced in the same facility as non-infused foods. Health Canada says this is to limit cross-contamination.

To help curtail (or maybe even raise) your expectations, we’ve rounded up some of the most interesting prospects that seem to meet Canada’s edible recommendations.

Gummy something

The cannabis gummy is the first and preferred treat of so many of pot’s new adopters and Daily Hive city editors alike, that it’s heartening to know they will exist in some form.

Health Canada would not comment specifically on gummy products during a teleconference call to media, though they did say that they would evaluate them on a case-by-case basis, Anything products determined to appeal to young people (either by shape, colour, flavour, etc) would be found to not be in compliance and could face penalties (including a $5 million fine).

Soda pot

cannabis beverages


There’s been a lot of fanfare about the possibility of cannabis beverages. From Constellation Brands $5 billion investment in Canopy Growth to Oland’s Beer investing in developing drink of their own to a UFC-Aurora CBD sports drink, there’s a wave of drinkable cannabis on the way.

Baked goods

What exactly will separate the brownie of an adult and the cookie of a child is not yet clear, however, it seems that there will be some baked goods allowed under the new regime.

US markets are filled with different cooked desserts. Many are reported to be actually quite good.

Jelly Beans

jelly belly


Jelly beans might be a bit of a tough one, like so many things, the candy might qualify as appealing to children, failing to secure Health Canada’s seal of approval.

If Canada was willing to allow them, or at least something extremely similar, it could mean the creator of Jelly Belly, David Klein brings his CBD connections north.

“We love Canada,” he told Grow in an interview. “We’re excited for when they put the green light on [edibles].”

What we’re probably not getting

Alcohol imitations


There are a lot of cannabis beverages in the American markets that seek to emulate alcohol directly. Brands like Tinley, which lists in the Canadian Stock Exchange but sells exclusively to select US markets, offers flavours meant to imitate drinks like Moscow Mule, even promoting other flavours as being from particular casks.

These type one-to-one or near imitations are completely ruled out by Health Canada’s regulations, which forbid any product being mixed with or similar to alcohol.

Gummy Bears

Despite the fact that eating a ferocious animal of any size is usually considered an adult pursuit, it is somehow difficult to argue that gummy bears aren’t appealing to children. Jelly beans perhaps, maybe even gummy squares, but anything cuddly is definitely out.

Cotton candy


Kush Kitchen

It’s the only cannabis treat currently available at a legacy dispensary that actually tastes like the thing it’s advertised as. Tragically another victim of children’s insatiable desire to consume the candy stored in childproof containers.

Peter SmithPeter Smith

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