Calgary was hit by a huge hailstorm last night (VIDEOS)

Jul 8 2019, 11:06 pm

Thunder and lightning can definitely be frightening, but huge chunks of ice falling from the sky in a furious and unrelenting flurry is something else entirely.

That’s what many Calgarians had to deal with on Sunday evening, as the thunderstorm that rolled into town brought with it a significant hailstorm.

See also

Nickel-sized balls of hail fell on YYC, making many front yards look like winter all over again.

The noisy hailstorm was hard to miss… especially for those trapped in their cars as the worst of it came down, and more than a few Calgarians took the opportunity to document the weather phenomenon, uploading photos and videos of the event to Twitter:

See also
Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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