Why some BC residents are skipping meals, considering leaving

Mar 6 2024, 7:41 pm

Many BC residents are entertaining the idea of leaving the province, and while the reasons may be obvious, the numbers are staggering.

The cost of living in some of the largest BC municipalities is snowballing to the point where many can’t afford to live in those cities.

According to Rentals.ca, Vancouver, Burnaby, and Victoria are among Canada’s 10 most expensive places to rent.

But it isn’t just housing that is making folks think about leaving.

An exclusive study conducted by Mustel Group for Daily Hive revealed that among 750 BC residents, 33%, or one-third of those residents, have entertained the idea of relocating to another province.

Among potential destinations, Alberta and Ontario are the most popular.

Residents aged 18 to 34 are the most likely to have contemplated leaving, with almost half considering moving to another province (46% of that age group compared to 33% of those aged 33 to 54 and 24% of those aged 55 or over).

“Residents living in municipalities of Metro Vancouver outside the City of Vancouver and those in other parts of BC outside of Metro Vancouver are the most likely to have considered moving elsewhere,” Josh O’Neill, Mustel Group General Manager said.

Other reasons for considering a move included lifestyle, location change, or employment opportunities outside BC.

“Older residents are more likely to be motivated by paying lower taxes, having family ties in other provinces, and dissatisfaction with the current provincial government,” O’Neill added.

Desperate times, desperate measures

leaving bc


Another reality revealed by the panel is that many residents have resorted to desperate measures to cover necessities.

One in five residents has used coupons or resorted to purchasing fewer groceries. Some have switched to buying lower-quality goods, cutting back on other expenses, or using savings or borrowed money. Some folks are even skipping meals entirely. The survey found that the more extreme option was something only 2% of respondents had considered.

Unsurprisingly, wages are a primary factor in any considerations about relocating.

Households earning less than $80,000 per year are three times more likely than those earning more than $80,000 to have taken drastic steps to ensure affordability.

“When half of our youth — who represent the future workforce — are considering leaving the province for greener pastures, significant measures must be taken to avoid an economic crisis,” he added.

BC folks who responded to the panel seem to be among a growing contingency of people across Canada thinking about leaving the country because they can’t make ends meet.

Are you a BC resident who is seriously considering leaving the province? Let us know in the comments.

Note: For the study, the margin of error on a sample is +/-5% at a 95% confidence level.

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