Mysterious snow ducks have been popping up around Toronto after winter storm

Feb 16 2024, 7:11 pm

Toronto is at last looking a little more seasonally appropriate after a brief but mighty dump of snow on Thursday brought transit hiccups, travel advisories, and flight cancellations, along with… snow ducks?

Yes, quirky little rubber duck-shaped snowballs (no, not actual ducks, sadly) have been appearing all over the city over the last 24 hours, bringing smiles to the faces of anyone passing by.

People started noticing and posting about the fascinating little sculptures last night, and are absolutely loving them, with some calling them “adorable” and the kind of “chaotic good” that the city needs.

So far, the ducks have been spotted mostly along Bloor Street around the Annex, and while their creator or creators remain a mystery, their services are very much appreciated.

It would appear that those behind the fleeting public art are simply having a field day with some fun ducky moulds made specifically for snow, which you can pick up for yourself online and at most local dollar stores.

The same moulds, though not anything new, have also been making a splash on TikTok lately, where people are using them in cooking, most often to shape rice into a charming addition to their dish.

Becky RobertsonBecky Robertson

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