A portion of Queen's Quay was just painted red to clearly mark streetcar routes

Sep 7 2018, 1:15 am

A portion of Queen’s Quay is looking a little red these days.

This week, the City of Toronto, along with the TTC and Waterfront Toronto, installed red markings along TTC tracks on Queen’s Quay.

According to the TTC, the project is about keeping the right of way clear for streetcars, but also it’s an additional way to “reduce incidents of motorist intrusion.”

Far too many confused motorists have been driving into the Queens Quay streetcar tunnel, and the TTC began taking steps to put a stop to it earlier this summer.

The TTC recently installed lights and bollards, and is also currently testing lift arms (gates) at the entrance to the tunnel at Queens Quay and York St to stop cars from entering.

The new paint is located on the streetcar tracks at the intersection of Lower Spadina and Queens Quay West.

The City says that at this point, “there has been no additional requests from TTC or Waterfront Toronto for other installations.”

According to the TTC, at least 26 drivers have driven into the Queens Quay tunnel, which connects the 509 Harbourfront and 510 Spadina streetcar routes to Union Station, since 2014.

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